About Us

So in 2018, we started working on our project. We wanted to create printable paper backdrops that could be super fast and easy to build and enjoy!
We soon realized that Paper Scenes could have more application areas: besides from being a tool for creative sessions involving collectible figures, they can also be a precious tools for all those you want to create original social media content for their products!
Paper Scene was born from the merging of two passions: figurines photography and paper.
Sometimes it might be difficult to find just the right backdrop for your subject and hence communicate just the right message through your pictures.
It is for this reason that we came up with an idea: we wanted to provide those who share these same passions-and struggle finding the perfect scene for their shots- with amazing and unique backdrops for their figurines photography sessions!

In 2020, we decided to add other products besides our Paper Scenes, for those who really love paper crafting: so we started creating Papercrafts (or Pepakura), that are tridimensional paper models.
Enjoy your photo-shooting and your crafting time! Remember to tag @paperscenelove in your pictures on Instagram and Facebook, or use #paperscene #paperscenelove. We would love to see your shots!