The concept of creating with paper is at the very base of our project and the reason why our paper crafts site was born. Putting together fragile, flat pieces of paper to make a full 3D item is a very satisfying and fun activity for both children and adults of all ages.
When designing and developing our paper models we always make sure that each model is beautiful and fun, but also easy enough to be enjoyed by anyone.
We put a lot of effort in creating our paper models and a lot of passion in designing every little detail.
However, not everyone has access to a good printer, which is often an important tool for paper crafts enthusiasts.
For this reason, for our new collection rich in details and colors, we decided to collect all the items in a book!

We Introduce Our First Paper Crafts Book!
After a long work of designing and researching, we decided to put together backdrops (Paper Scenes) and paper models, all collected in one beautiful paper crafts book with one common theme. We called it the Magic Academy collection.
Our biggest inspiration for the making of this book was the magic world of Harry Potter.
Trying to evoke the magic and mysterious atmosphere of that wizardry world, we designed 4 backdrops, 1 photo frame box (in 4 colors), 1 chest box with a hidden chamber and 2 cards with envelopes.
The Book
If you are a Harry Potter fan, no matter what your favorite House is, you don’t want to miss this book!
The book contains 11 paper crafts inside and 2 bonus items on its cover. Counting the cover, the book has 42 pages, each one high-quality printed, perfectly showing even the smallest detail.

But, of course every paper crafts book needs instructions. We made the instructions downloadable: in this way the book can be completely enjoyed reducing paper waste. On the back cover of the book you can find the link and a QR code for the download of an interactive PDF. You can read the instructions from your smartphone, tablet or PC. Or, if you prefer, you can print them. From the PDF, you will also have easy access to step-by-step video tutorials for each paper craft in the book.
This crafts book is meant for anyone who loves paper crafts: it may be for kids (we recommend that an adult helps them, especially the youngest ones – it could be an awesome bonding or family activity); but really it’s for people of every age.
Watch the video presentation of the book on Instagram
However, with the four backdrops included in this book — each one inspired by one of the Hogwarts houses — we also address collectors of collectible figures who would appreciate the practical and artistic application of these Paper Scenes for their display settings and photographs.
Here is a challenge for you: give this paper crafts book to a friend who loves Harry Potter and also enjoys some crafting time and see the expression on their face: we bet they WILL LOVE IT!

Magic Academy
Welcome to the Magic Academy Collection!
Build and collect all our magic items!